Below, you will find a schedule of events for the upcoming summer
months. All practices are required.
Night Rehearsals (6:30 - 8:30
PM) - Musicians Only
Tuesday, July 11
Thursday, July 13
Tuesday, July 18
Thursday, July 20
Percussion Camp (7:00 AM -
4:00 PM) - Musicians Only
Monday thru Friday, July 24-28
Full Band Camp (7:00 AM -
4:00 PM) - All Musicians and Visual Ensemble
Monday thru Friday, July
31-August 4
Monday thru Wednesday, August
Thursday and Friday, August
10-11 (3:30 - 5:30 PM only)
Beginning August 14, we will be
on a regular school rehearsal schedule which will be each Monday,
Tuesday, and Thursday from 3:30-5:30 p.m. These hours will decrease as
the marching season progresses.
- Students are expected to be
at all summer rehearsals unless they have a legitimate conflict
(i.e., family vacation, church camp, etc.). Students must contact
Mr. Burnside or the bandroom prior to missing a rehearsal to get it
excused. If a student’s whereabouts are not known at a rehearsal,
the absence is considered to be unexcused. Two unexcused absences
from rehearsal will result in dismissal from the band program.
Please be mindful of this. It only takes a phone call to let us know
why you need to miss.
- There will be a percussion
mini-camp held on Friday and Saturday, May 26-27. Details will be
given to the percussion section.
- Some additional (optional)
musician opportunities may arise closer to the end of school for
study on individual instruments. More information will be given if
this becomes available.
- Visual Ensemble members will
receive information about summer events from your sponsors.